‘Fire Hazard’
Fire Hazard
India ink with acrylic paint on stretched canvas
8 x 8 inches, 2024
Song Pairing
”Gettin’ Clean - Acoustic” by The Band Loula
A stiff, dried, old bouquet of yellow flowers left out for months on a kitchen counter in an empty house. Once beautiful for someone beautiful. Once worth well over 30 bucks at the store, now worth nothing. The water is gone. The flowers still have some scent left. Could be lovely if pulled off and placed on a nice bowl in another room as potpourri.
Now their beauty is in their stiffness and stillness. In their dried composition on the counter for someone to find and remove. Their stems will pierce the trash bag as they go in to their final resting place. Their container will have new flowers once again for the next occasion that someone beautiful needs something beautiful.