Born and raised in Knoxville, Tennessee. GO VOLS! Spent some years in Hampton, Virginia. Now I reside in Madison, Alabama with my family: Kyle the Cyclist, Gman, and Pippa. Working remote + doing the art thing.

Glitter on the floor.

My name is Rachael Mink. With an A, got it? Thanks.


I am in my studio almost all day and almost every day. It’s fun and funky, all to myself, and very much me. A lot of chaos. A lot of color. A growing collection of neon signs. Two desks: one for art, one for work. On my walls I rotate out my works in progress and finished pieces. There is no order to any of it. Things come and go and there are nails all over the place. Sometimes I feel cramped like I need a bigger space. Maybe one day that will happen.

